Tag Archives: hiram

Lesson 25 Priesthood: “The Power of Godliness”

Reading assignment from LDS Church Class Member Study Guide Lesson #25 Priesthood “the Power of Godliness.” Gospel Doctrine Sunday School: Doctrine & Covenants and Church History. Voice recording of lesson scripture passages as well as the brief assigned section from “Our Heritage” pages 26 and 27. Also included, voice recording of the lesson scripture chain: The Body is a Temple. Read by Kirk Strickland. Additional lesson materials, Doctrine and Covenants 107, found here: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/107?lang=eng#stickyAudio

Lesson 24 “Be Not Deceived, but Continue in Steadfastness”

Reading assignment from LDS Church Class Member Study Guide Lesson #24 “Be Not Deceived, but Continue in Steadfastness.” Gospel Doctrine Sunday School: Doctrine & Covenants and Church History. Voice recording of lesson scripture passages as well as the brief assigned section from “Our Heritage” page 36 “Exodus from Kirtland.” Also included, voice recording of the lesson scripture chain: Recognizing and Avoiding Individual Apostasy. Read by Kirk Strickland despite fighting seasonal allergies.